"After looking at it for a little while as she plies her needle, he looks to young Woolwich, sitting on his stool in the corner, and beckons that fifer to him." - Bleak House by Dickens

Rumrille & Holton

     A classical book on early 19th century drum beating, Rumrille and Holton was published in 1817, not long after Ashworth. Principally addressing the percussion instruments, it is an important step in the evolution of rudimental drumming in America. Like Strube, Draper's and Ashworth, it has been digitally enhanced for clarity and bound from left to right, just like the original. Beginning with the basic rudiments and various rolls, it goes on to cover accents, Common Time, marches, Quick Time, and slow marches. Drum beatings are provided for Yankee Doodle, Roving Sailor, Champlain, Tecumseh, Pennsylvania, a bunch of Quicksteps, open beatings, and a large section dealing with the Camp Duties as of 1817. The book is quite specific as to what should be done and when. Contains 40 pages with none missing.

It also contains some fife tunes:

United States March
Ohio March
General Brown's March
General Scott's March
General Harrison's March
The General
The Fatigue or Pioneer's March
Troop - When Wars Alarm
Doublings of the Troop
Troop - Phyllis and Damon
Charming Molly
Troop - Dog and Gun
Tobacco Box - Doublings
Grenadier's March
The French Grenadier, a General Salute
Retreat No. 1 - Loss of Ochram
Retreat No. 2 - Pretty Maid
Retreat No. 3 - Polly Oliver
Rogue's March
Various flavorings of the Reveille.

The price is $14.95

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